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Gin Tonic

Gin Tonic met limoen
Gin Tonic met limoen
The Gin Tonic is especially in England and Spain very ppopular, but also winning territory in the rest of the world. The Gin Tonic can be made in different ways. The priginal Gin Tonic is with lime or lemon. In England, where the GT finds it’s origin, the prefer there Gin and Tonic with lemon. I prefer my original GT with slices of lime.

What do you need for a Gin Tonic?

Gin (1 part)
Tonic (3 parts)

How do you make a Gin Tonic?

For starters we are going to need a big and wide glass. A pretty glass though, not any glass. I find it most pretty tp use a wide wineglass without a standard. Then fill up the glass with ice. Cut the lime in half. The first half we are going squeeze into the glass. The other half we are going to cut in slices to use for garnish. Make sure the seeds don’t get into the glas. Now add the gin and tonic to the glass and give it a small stir. Put in your slices of lime and serve the cocktail.

Gin Tonic Special

The Gin Tonic can be made in different ways like i’ve mentioned before. One way of making a Gin Tonic special is to add slices of cucumber to the glass.

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