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Pornstar Martini

Pornstar Martini

Pornstar Martini
Pornstar Martini
My personal favorite cocktail of all times. The Pornstar Martini. Secret ingredients: egg white and the lovely and soft vanilla. The egg white gives the cocktail a nice foam. The combination of passionfruit with the vanilla is soft and fruity at the same time. The official cocktail is served with a glass of champagne on the side. All in all, a sexy cocktail for a classy party!

What do you need for a Pornstar Martini?

Vanilla vodka (1 part)
Passionfruit juice (2 parts)
Champagne (or Prosecco) (1 part)
Egg white
Fresh lime (1/2 lime)
Passionfruit (1/2 per glass)

1 part = 30 ml

How do you make a Pornstar Martini?

Prepare your martini glass with ice, so we have a nice chilled glass when we are ready to serve the cocktail. Start with a shaker half filled with ice cubes. Add the passionfruit juice and fresh lime juice to the shaker. Now add the vanilla vodka and 1/3 of the egg white of 1 egg. Make sure you seperate the egg white from the yellow. We don’t want to have a little bit of egg yellow in the cocktail. Give it a good shake for about 8-10 seconds. Take the ice out of the martini glass and pour out the cocktail into the glass. You can see that the egg white gave it a good foam now. Put the half of an passion fruit as garnish in the glass.

We are not completely ready now. As i said before, the real thing is served with a small glass of champagne on the side. It can be a small champagne glass or just a shooter glass filled with champagne.

How come it was called a Pornstar Martini

The cocktail once started as a Maverick Martini, named after a shady club in South Africa where the cocktail was first made. Because of the passion fruit juice and passion fruit it was then named Pornstar Martini because they suited the name better with the loads of passion in the cocktail.

Share your homemade Pornstar Martini on social media

Did you try this cocktail based on our recipe, and your proud of it? Take a picture of your cocktail and post it with #Cocktailicious on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.

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